When Facebook was first introduced, everyone thought is was the hottest social media, and the best way to stay in touch with friends. Since then, Facebook has gone far down hill,with all the adds and games that cloud the site, but it's mostly due to teenagers. Pictures use to show precious memories with friends and family, or just pictures you find to be beautiful. Now, all girls do is post pictures of themselves doing everything, and take about a thousand pictures, while in the same pose
each time. Guys do the opposite, they take far fewer pictures, but they take pictures shirtless, and all the comments are from girls saying "omg bill your so ripped." Like seriously, no. If you are really seeking attention from girls over the internet you need help. Oh, don't get me started on posts. The only posts you see are either from attention seekers, people who post their problems on Facebook, yet no one could give a crap about, the people who post everything that they do, what they are eating, who they are with, or even when they are sleeping. The worst I believe is cyber bullying. It has lessened ever since twitter became big, since most beef happens on it now. It doesn't happen a lot to guys, maybe the occasional name calling, but it's worst with girls. Girls get told they are a cake face, slut, bitch and multiple other indecent names. Seriously, in the last couple years, Facebook has gone to hell, like most major social medias these days.
Picture from
Is Facebook almost dead? Has Instagram and Twitter taken over? Once, your gramma is on Facebook, doesn't that spell the deathnote for it?
ReplyDelete"Oh don't get me started on posts."
ReplyDeleteSeeing this, i strongly agree after seeing so many posts and/ or status on FB just like how you have, when scrolling through FB even for a second, and how it's even worthless to mention it at all. There are some posts though I have seen that have a meaning to them, whether its song lyrics actually talking about someones life, or even a fact or two about the world/ news that is going on in the papers, but mostly, like you said it has gone downhill, where many are getting hurt. >> Cyber bulling,
You could maybe post a photo or a conversation that shows cyberbullying between two or more people and how it can effect an individual.
I agree that the majority of girls on Facebook just takes pictures and post their whole life, and it's completely ridiculous how much time people spend on Facebook. It's not even about keeping in touch anymore, it's like an alternative to actually LIVING life. Now we just spend it in front of computers.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree! People's lives are being consumed by technology, especially with social networks. Most of society spends an exceedingly amount of time on their computer/tablet/phone. I am guilty of this too, just like many other people. I sometime wish that I was born in the twenties because of the simplicity of life and the lack of technology. Another thing that bothers me about Facebook is that people use hashtags! Hashtags are for twitter and it personally makes me upset to see people using hashtags. Even though I use social media sites I would prefer not to AT ALL!