I'm a fan of more action or comedic films, such as
Semi-Pro or
Iron Man. But horror movies? no way. I hate horror movies with a passion. It might be due to the fact I was introduced to horror movies early as a child, watching
Jaws when I was about four. I don't know how people can not get freaked out watching them. The thing I hate the most is the music build up. The music builds and builds and builds, and then quiet, then Boom! some freaky shit happens. But with our selection of horror movies, I feel they are getting repetitious. The main forms of horror movies are paranormal, zombies, or psychopathic killers. Paranormal horror films tend to revolve around ghosts or devils,who tend to usually have some pretty ugly faces, and freak the shit out of you when they appear out of no where, like mirrors. Zombies are in my opinion, the least scary, because their zombies. They can't run fast (exception being
World War Z) and they can't function intelligently. They only scary thing they have going for them are their gross, decomposed faces, and the sheer number of them there are in these films. Most psychotic killers faces aren't all that scary, but they tend to get their scares through jump scares. Somehow, they find the most convenient time to pop up behind a person to kill them. The people in these movies are actually the stupidest people to walk the earth. Oh this house is haunted? lets get top the bottom of it. What's that noise in the attic? i'll go look. Jimmy has gone missing? let's go search for him in this dark, unlit basement. I have two word for you. Get out. Locations have gotten quite tiresome as well. The location is normally abandoned, power has of course gone out, the wind blows through the house, and has abnormally large quantity of mirrors. If someone made a more original horror movie, I might watch it. Keyword might.
I totally agree. Horror movies are not what they used to be. Personally, I'm not a fan of scary movies just because I believe in supernatural stuff and have a hard time sleeping. Needless to say that watching a scary movie won't help me sleep any better. But the olden-days horror movies were more creative and original, but movies today are just remakes. Just look at Carrie that is coming out. Half way through the commercial for it my dad was able to name the movie because of the original. People just aren't as creative any more. Why can't they do a horror movie at a wedding or something at a school. I don't know if there are movies like that, but I would appreciate some originality from the directors. I like comedies like Home Alone and action films like Fast and Furious! Those are the movies I watch over and over.
ReplyDeleteI think you're watching the wrong horror movies. There are so many good horror movie out there, and the point of horror movie IS to get freaked out. I think the movies you're watching are more gory than scary, like My Bloody Valentine, Friday the 13th, and Freddy vs. Jason. Try watching something like Devil(There isn't a devil with an ugly face in it, look it up), or Quarantine. Those are good horror movies.
ReplyDeleteI personally like horror movies, but only when I have someone next to me .. I agree with Jacqueline, most movies today are either continued same plot types, or literally total remakes, for example paranormal activity can go with the exorcisms because of the filming technique, and just the grasp of the whole ' haunted demons within' kind of theme. Saw, and any thing chain saw like could go with Jason and Freddy?
ReplyDeleteI watched Carrie last weekend, and yes it scared me, but it reminded me of so many others , especially with the whole bible/ culture behind it, that is used a lot nowadays, ( such as in exorcism)